ShnUpdate - Savyon 18.05.18
This week started on Sunday, the 13.05, we had a hinuch seminar. Every week we had a chavruta session to prepare a session. In Little...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 10.05.18
This week we spent our last days with Zoë on Etgar. Zoë has been a vital component of our kvutza and it was very difficult for the group...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 03.05.18
Last weekend was a highly social one for us shnatties - we were forced out of the comfort of our lives in J-Town and ventured out into...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 26.04.18
the weekend started with a lovely Nava Tehila service. We danced, we swayed, we sweated. Joe even got a fist bump from a rabbi he...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 13.04.18
Etgar \ Gideon & Emily The shnatties started their pesach holidays by having a surprise birthday party for Talia and Joe with music and...