ShnUpdate - Savyon 29.03.18
Savyon has had a great and ideologically-engaged week. It all began with Netzer’s Veida Olami (where representatives from all of the...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 22.03.18
Shalom faithful readers, This last week has been a change of pace from the usual Etgar schedule. This started with an excellent peula on...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 15.03.18
This past week on Etgar has been another eventful one. We were tasked with being anthropologists for a session by our wonderful madrich...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 08.03.18
We used to think Halloween was cool. But Purim took it to new heights (like parties on rooftops). And not only did it take us to new...
ShnUpdate - Savyon 01.03.18
As many wise past shnatties mentioned to us before we embarked on our Shnat journeys, “Shnat is a rollercoaster”. We guess they’re right,...

ShnUpdate - Savyon 22.02.18
The week began with us returning from our kvutza seminar near sde boker. We arrived back at the etgar flat and immediately started...