ShnUpdate - Tzuf 25.06.21
Shabbat shalom from Jerusalem, Last Friday morning we started the day by attending a ‘slut walk’. We marched in solidarity with women...

ShnUpdate - Tzuf 17.06.21
This past weekend we split up a bit. Some of us went to Tel Aviv from Haifa and others either went back to Jerusalem or visited family. I...

ShnUpdate - Tzuf 11.06.21
Shabbat Shalom. I cannot believe it has been a full 8 weeks on Shnat Netzer and I am writing my second Shnupdate already, time has truly...

ShnUpdate - Tzuf 03.06.21
שלום לכולם! It's been another busy week on Machon. As usual, Thursday was a packed day, starting off with an early morning session on...