ShnUpdate - Tzuf 23.07.21
Hello. Hola. Oi. Shalom. It has been an extremely long week on machon this week. We’ve had to stay on/close to the Kiryah and only go out...

ShnUpdate - Tzuf 16.07.21
We had just finished our Israel Kayom seminar, having learnt about the different societies, the theme of Social Entrepreneurship and the...

ShnUpdate - Tzuf 08.07.21
שלום חברים, It is crazy to think that it is now July and time is just flying each week. Our time on Machon has definitely become weirder,...

ShnUpdate - Tzuf 01.07.21
June has come and gone and the weeks here on Shnat are truly flying by. We spent the past weekend in Tel Aviv, joining a hundred thousand...