ShnUpdates - Nof 19.10.17
Only a few weeks have left for Shnat and as I mentioned in the past updates – we are trying to raise a conversation within the Kvutza (group) what it means to go back home regarding the movement and regarding their life in general, so the end of Shnat won’t come as a surprise. This week we have the pleasure to have Dudu, the Sidney Shalich, visiting the Shnatties on Lotan together with Sivan, the new shlicha who will replace Uri, Melbourne Shalich, in a few months from now. Dudu and Sivan ran a great peula (activitie) to the Kvutza about coming back to the movement in their home countries and the future of the Snifim (Netzer branches).

As shant Nof is almost over, this week, the new Shnat Savion north arrived in Israel! So exciting! Although 2 big protests (the ultra-orthodox protest & the disabled protest) were happening in Jerusalem on their arrival day and main roads were blocked we have arrived safely in Beit Shmuel. This upcoming Tuesday both groups are going to meet and Shnat Nof is going to run educational activities for the new Shnattim! It amazing to see, meeting both groups separately, how mature your lovely kids became after this long journey in Israel.
Here is the weekly update written by Mili:
So we've had a very eventful week with multiple individual Chofesh days and working days.
To start the week, we had Dudu (Sydney Shalicha) and Sivan (New Melbourne Shalicha) over for a program about coming back into the movement after Shnat. It gave us all the opportunity to ask any questions and look forward to a new step in our Netzer journeys.
During Yom Chunich on Monday we had a nice sleep in and then collectively took down the rest of the sukkah.
To end the week, we had a nice movie night with the Shinshins, with a big cookie and popcorn (thanks to Caroline)
We have an exciting next couple of days with meeting the new northerner Shnatties and next week is our final week of work
Many things coming up, we are all feeling the excitement!! 🎉
Wishing you and your family Shabbat Shalom!