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ShnUpdates - Savyon 2.11.17

Shalom Horim (Parents),

Hope you have been coping with the lack of children and updates over the past week. We are still on Chava ve Adam but we moved into yurts due to new groups joining the farm. The Yurts are permanent tents from Mongolia. The new arrivals on the farm are a group of Israeli school kids learning about ecological living. Speaking of ecological living, this week we learned how to pickle olives in a fermentation workshop, we've taken down walls and built more walls using various techniques including mud building and rock laying. We have also learned how to use rubbish to build furniture. Learning these new skills and ways of living has been fascinating for us Shnatties as it is so different from the way we are used to living.

This last Shabbat we were invited to participate in a world broadcasted Kabbalat Shabbat service celebrating the Diaspora at the reform congregation in Modi'in. A couple of our group were invited up to light the candles representing the Jews of all seven continents. After a brief nosh of bread and cake we went out for sushi in the city.

For our educational day we talked about our community. There was a peer led session discussing goals and aspirations for our community. There was also a dialogue centered on the book " The Art of Loving" and how we can apply the mentioned principle to build our community.

One evening we were visited by a couple of southern hemisphere Shnatties. There was a bon fire, song session, and wisdom was passed down to our group. Apart from that we had a pretty chilled weekend.

We are having a great time on Shnat, and look forward to next week and the rest of the year.

Shnat Savyon


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