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ShnUpdates - Nof 9.11.17

Can’t believe the moment has come and Shnat Nof is coming to an end. this week we were staying at a beautiful place on the beach called “Nachsholim” and summering up this great year on Sikkum seminar run by our lovey Mili, Jason & Louise.

There is a lot to say about Shnat after 10 meaningful months in Israel. No doubt this year was full of everything – great knowledge, memories, new experiences, happiness, sadness, getting lost, finding yourself, falling in love, broken hearts, strong friendships, 10 shekels falafel, Memulawach and so much more.

Spending time with them at these last five days made me so proud to see the people they have become. This seminar was planned and run by them only, with a great combination of sharing memories and processing their emotions with educational sessions that they did for each other. In all of those sessions I saw strong passionate young adults who cares about their Jewish Identity and the main roll their progressive Jewish values are taking in their day to day life, I saw reform Zionists who understand the history of Zionism and that our love and work to make Israel a better place, by our Progressive values, haven’t finish yet and feel the strong connection and responsibility towards it, saw how beautiful and accepting their Kvutza (group) is, the understanding of how important a community in their lives and mainly felt proud to send them out of their shnat bubble to the real world as leaders. I truly do believe they will make this world a better place.

Coming back home might not be that easy at the beginning, as one of the Livluv Shnatties once told me – “real life is not always easy, nobody just gives you Pizzur” (*40NIS we give them for meals out sometimes), but I’m sure that they are well prepared for the big world and take responsibility over the movement and the communities. Till they start doing this, they really miss some of your home made food J

I’m so thankful for the opportunity to take a small part in their amazing journey and want to thank all the Netzer Olami staff for making this year so meaningful and supportive for them, Lior, Ady, Danit, Rinat & Rodrigo! We all agree it wasn’t always easy, but totally amazing!

And my last words to you, dear Shnat Bogrim… I want to finish with a prayer for your new journey and wish you all the best of luck! I know that Shnat is officially over but we are always here for you, waiting to see your lovely faces in the Netzer offices and hear every once in a while how are you doing. I hope you see Israel as you home now and us as part of your family, because we do. As I told you yesterday, Israel is far from being perfect, but if you love something with all its flaws – it’s true love. I love you all and wish you Behatzlacha!


Orit and the Netzer Tzevet.

Last weekly update by Mili and a beautiful video made by Tilda –

So Shnat is over...

I'm going to begin writing this final weekly update by talking about my experiences (Mili Haber) over this past week. As one of the tsevet members of running sikkum seminar I had a vision in my head to create a perfect seminar for all of shnat Nof. I didn't know what that meant nor how that could be achieved and until we came on the seminar none of this felt real. We ran sessions reflecting the past year experiences and trying to look into the future of our sniffim and Netzer Olami. Imagine trying to sum up the craziness and unique experiences of an entire year, trying to see the growth we have experienced and lessons we have learnt, this was not easy. And I'm not talking from a position of running the peulah but as a participant. This seminar has been difficult, getting in touch with emotions and saying goodbye for now to our Shnat family. We had members of the tsevet whom were with us throughout the journey visit, they were involved in a few sessions and send their love as we move onto the new step of our journey and theirs. Lior and Ady were huge role models throughout the year; providing us with support, knowledge and a whole lot of youth empowerment. We also got the opportunity to get to know the new Etgar director, Raviv, it was amazing to see how the future of Netzer Olami and the Etgar program would be guided in such a positive, exciting direction. And personally made me excited for new shnatties to embark on their own crazy adventure. The incredible Orit, helped guide us through this week with so much passion and enthusiasm towards the new path we are about to embark on in the movement and through everything else we do in our lives. Shnat has been everything and nothing of what I expected and I can say, most people would agree. I have learnt so so much and developed in many more ways then I'd expected. Netzer isn’t something that is external and represented by our time in the movement but is so much more then that! We are Netzer! Netzer has guided the way I want to live my life and values that will stay with me forever. I don't know where I will be in 20 or so years time but it's comforting to know, that these people I have been surrounded by will always be there for me and be my biggest supporters.

From our leaders in Netzer Australia, and something we have used throughout the year, I'd like to share with any future shnatties that read this and to anyone who is about to embark on a new journey and more importantly my fellow noffies on their new journeys;

The Nof prayer,

L'hadracha b'shalom l'derech shell shalom

L'tzeadim rishonim Shel masaot chaim

l'bniyat kehila

L'chaverim shehem michpacha

L'etgarim v'tagliot

L'chuchmot chadashot v'atikot

L'chazara habayta b'shalom

L'harpatkaot chadashot

Shabbat shalom xx


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