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ShnUpdate - Savyon 14.12.17

Shalom! We've continued to work this week, and are slowly getting used to the painfully early starts! The Kibbutz also celebrated the first night of Channukah together, with a communal candle lighting and a vast amount of donuts and latkes. There's more celebrations to come too, with a fare coming up, and all the money made going to charity.

We had another fascinating session with Michael Livni about Tikkun Olam and intentional living, and he left with us with some open ended questions to consider. We're still busy wondering how we want the intentional community ideology to influence the rest of our lives!

We're now fully moved in and settled into the apartment, which is quickly becoming a new home to us all. It's still missing a couple of things here and there, but we're enjoying the challenge! Who needs bedroom doors and bin bags, anyway?

We had a great talk from Polly Wu, a woman who's spent the last 5 years travelling in over 30 countries! She's volunteered in places such as a very isolated part of Canada and an alligator reserve in Australia. It was particularly interesting to hear about the cultural differences she observed throughout the world.

On Thursday night, we saw a very kibbutz specific sight: 40 cows escaped the Refet, and we all ran out in the dark to help herd them back in to their pens. After plenty of arm waving and stern shushing, they eventually all returned, and the Israeli dairy industry was saved forever.

Chovesh has started this week, and we're all taking a break to chill, visit family, or even take a diving course! We hope you have a lovely Channukah!

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