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ShnUpdate - Savyon 16.06.18

So that's it... shnat is coming to an end.

I remember so many times when I thought there was so much time left and about all the great things that I wanted to do and see and now it's over. I still can't believe it.

I'm sad to leave this beautiful country, leaving all my new friends, which are more like a family than just friends and leaving this great program, which taught me so much about life, lsrael (culture, society, Zionism, politics, economics), Netzer Values and the world. But I'm sure that I will come back because shnat left a big hole in my heart.

This year was amazing!

It's was challenging in different ways, but I enjoyed it a lot. A lot of people told me during shnat, that shnat is going to be one of the hardest and best things in my life and I have to agree. It took me a while to realize how this is possible but I can tell you, I fell in love with some many things, and they are so small, but they made my experience so much better.

All the different places I visited and became part of a community and all the great and inspiring people i met, helped me to develop myself and become a better person.

I know this is a phrase which sounds really cheesy but it's true. You live with people and you are going to have good days, where you can be yourself and show everyone how happy you are that you are surrounded by them and not that good days, but you learn how to deal with it and that you have people who love you and care about you.

It's a shame that there is no shnat in 2019, even if I understand the reasons why it's cancelled. But I have a lot of hope in the new program which is going to be run at 2020, and I'm sure there will be new shnatties, who will hopefully have the same or even a better experience then I do.

PS: it's a relief not to have to write weekly updates anymore, but at the same time even this is something I'm going to miss💗

- Sima


It’s been a busy year filled with amazing experiences with some truly amazing people. We have travelled Israel and lived in some truly unique places such as kibbutz lotan and Hava ve adam. And although there have been points in our program that weren’t quite as amazing I wouldn’t have changed it for anything, the lessons i have learned and things I have done have made me a better person and the person I am today. I want to thank all the Netzer staff for guiding me on my journey through Shnat and with that I want to thank all the Australian shnatties who will be continuing on their program for another 6 months, you guys have made my Shnat and you can help me keep living it through your stories. Finally I want to say a massive thank you to Orit, you have worked so hard to create an amazing program for the 9 of us to participate in but more than that you’ve always been smiley never andgry and the only negative thing I could ever say is that we want to spend more time with you, I’ll miss you Orit and I’ll miss Shnat for the rest of my life.

- Sam


Thinking back over these past eight months as I finish my time in Israel makes me think about all the ways I've changed as a person. Shnat has been an incredible opportunity, and I feel lucky that I was able to take part in the programme. At the begining I was unsure what to expect, and spending three weeks at an ecological farm was quite a shock. However, when we moved to kibbutz lotan I began to get into the groove of things where working in their dairy helped me build my confidence. Volunteering in Tel Aviv was an incredible time, and helping the LGBT community of Israel gave me a sense of fulfillment. Having seven Australians(plus one German) join us for the remaining four months significantly changed the group atmosphere. Etgar was a fantastic time filled with education and hadracha, and completing it made me far more secure in my knowledge of Israel and Zionism. Overall, shnat has been the most significant year of my life, and I hope the lessons I've learnt from my time in Israel will stay with me for the rest of my life.

- Jack


Shnat may be over, but the memories I’ll take from this year will stay with me forever. It’s been 8 months where I’ve lived an entirely different life to the one I had in London. We’ve lived in such a range of communities and environments, meeting some incredible people along with the way. Shnat was one big mystery to me before I left, and coming back I almost still feel the same. It’s a crazy, transformative year, and I’ve loved every single part of it.

- Gideon


Thanks shnat, for giving me adventures of a lifetime. Thanks shnat, for giving me friends from around the world and thank you for helping me bond with them, making connections that will last lifetimes. Going on shnat was the best decision I ever made and I will forever cherish the values and knowledge I learned throughout the year. I'll miss every moment of it, and I can't wait until savyon reunion 2028! Love always,

- Harley J


The end if shnat is upon us. This last week has brought put many, many emotions. There was much laughter and some tears as we reminisced about the last eight months together. We have done so much together, none of which will be easily forgotten. Have a good week.

- Alyssa


Shnat has been amazing, and it's going to be a real challenge to leave. I've formed such beautiful friendships and have such emotional memories that I'll never forget. It might be over, but I'll of course keep everything I learnt from the experience, and stay in contact with my friends even if there's several timezones between us.

- Joe


Being on this program has been amazing there have been so many highs and a few lows. I am going to miss the people that I met throughout and saying goodbyes are never easy. I have learnt so much about myself, people and Netzer. Being on kibbutz Lotan was my favourite part of the first part of the program. I enjoyed being isolated from the rest of the country and joining this amazing community that made me feel

so welcome. Learning at uplan-or was such a fun way to learn Hebrew and the teachers were amazing. Volunteering with special needs children was a eye opening experience and I enjoyed working with them as it is an amazing place that does really great things. At the end living with 16 people came with many challenges but I came to love them and learn to overcome the difficulties. The program, the Netzer staff and the wonderful people I spent my time with will always have a special place in my heart.

- Emily


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