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ShnUpdate - Tzuf 16.07.21

We had just finished our Israel Kayom seminar, having learnt about the different societies, the theme of Social Entrepreneurship and the impact these societies have within Israel. That weekend, the South Africans had a somewhat stress-inducing experience with the Polish Embassy in Tel Aviv when applying for their Polish visa, but we have yet to return to the embassy for a rematch. Our week started with a fairly calm day of classes where we started our Antisemitism presentations on Neo-Nazism in our respective countries, as well as started working on our BDS laomek projects.

Our confusions and worries began with our covid tests for Poland, when we had a covid scare on the campus, but we are all set on taking precautions to ensure our safety and those on Machon. Some stuff on Machon have changed, such as our scheduled classes and rules during meal time, to keep up with the safety precautions. One such example, being when we had to end Darom Seminar early, which was intended to educate us on the conflict on the Gaza border and the situation within Gaza itself. Even though these precautions have been put in place, we continue to make the most of our time here on Machon while still remaining safe and keeping a positive mindset.

However, we were still able to have a peulah run by two of our chavurim, Josh from Watford and Clara from Brazil, on the importance of Tnuot Noar in the past and compared to the present. At the moment our plan is to lay low and keep ourselves safe on Machon for Poland.

Ghaim, Netzer South Africa




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