ShnUpdate - Tzuf 23.07.21
Hello. Hola. Oi. Shalom.
It has been an extremely long week on machon this week. We’ve had to stay on/close to the Kiryah and only go out for essentials, to keep as safe as possible prior to our trip to Poland.
Despite the challenges that this week has presented, we have all managed to try and stay positive and enjoy our classes.
This has been our last full week of the regular schedule so we said some goodbyes to our teachers and some even had small parties in their classes too.
One of the highlights this week was our peer led peulah (by Jere, Bru and Mariana). They engaged us in a fabulous scavenger hunt, before inviting us to discuss the reality behind how we connect our values and practices within our tnuot (movements).
Another highlight for many, was the Kabbalat Shabbat service that Josh and I led. We sang some of the classic Netzer tunes and danced together as we welcomed in Shabbat. We made it even more special by inviting our Chavurah, so when some of them arrived it added that extra Shabbat sparkle!
On Wednesday, we were so excited to finally be able to hike through the Judean desert and swim in the natural springs (despite the water being very cold and the fish nibbling our toes).
To treat ourselves after a stressful few days, we went out as an entire Kvutzah for dinner at one of our favourite places: First Station. Some had pasta, some had falafel and some had vegan burgers, and I am pleased to say that everyone was more than delighted to have a substantial meal, surrounded by lovely people!
As we begin to prepare for Poland, we have started to watch films, read books and generally mentally prepare for the journey we will soon embark on.
We know that the coming days are going to be tough but we also know that we are amongst a group of intelligent, kind and caring individuals, who are here to support one another through this time.
Shabbat Shalom.
Evie, RSY-Netzer